Newton BlueTooth Card En Route ¬


Adriano, developer of some very cool new Newton accessories, recently posted to the NewtonTalk mailing list that he was putting together a bulk order of Pico PCMCIA BlueTooth cards to benefit the community and get BlueTooth into the hands of more Newton 2×00 users.

I’ve been looking at various cards, but hadn’t been able to find a Pico here in the United States. So, I naturally jumped at the chance. Adriano notified the list this morning that the Pico cards shipped on April 1st, so mine should be here any day now.

Thanks to his generosity and to the development efforts of Eckhart Köppen (the Blunt BlueTooth stack), BlueTooth connectivity is quite useful on the Newton. One can transfer notes and such from their Newton to a Mac or PC as text files or use a BlueTooth cell phone to connect to the Internet.

I currently use a 802.11b WiFi card with my Newton 2100 to connect to the Internet and to install packages thanks to Paul Guyot’s now unsupported DCL and it’s Escale application for Mac OS X. I’m very much looking forward to adding BlueTooth functionality to my Newton.

As others have said, “Newtons users never die. They just fade until their backlights get replaced.”

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