How about not doing this? How about not doing that? ¬


Masanobu Fukuoka on his method of natural farming:

The usual way to go about developing a method is to ask “How about trying this?” or “How about trying that?” bringing in a variety of techniques one upon the other. This is modern agriculture and it only results in making the farmer busier.

My way was opposite. I was aiming at a pleasant, natural way of farming which results in making the work easier instead of harder. “How about not doing this? How about not doing that?”- that was my way of thinking. I ultimately reached the conclusion that there was no need to plow, no need to apply fertilizer, no need to make compost, no need to use insecticide. When you get right down to it, there are few agricultural practices that are really necessary.

I should be asking myself, “How about not doing this?” far more frequently. It can be applied to any project. In fact, it sounds like it’s straight out of 37signals’s Getting Real.

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