Electric Derbi GPR ¬


I’ve been highly considering one of Electric Motorsport’s Electric GPRs for nearly a year now, but the range just isn’t quite there yet for my current fifty mile commute.

Electric Motorsport's Electric GPR

One of these sure would be a lot of fun to weave through the s-curves of Vermont roads on a nice sunny day, but the inherent danger of riding a motorcycle (let alone on a long daily commute) is a bit of a put-off for me. However, as I consider all my options, moving closer to work is a definite possibility and doing so would make an electric motorcycle a more realistic choice.

This stuff is always bouncing around my mind and was brought back to the surface again this morning by a post on Treehugger linking to a video of a guy showing off his electric Derbi GPR-50 conversion.

While I’m more impressed that he did the conversion than the footage of him zipping around on it, I did a little searching and came across a post on electricmotorcycles.net in which they spotlight a few electric motorcycle videos on YouTube. The real find here was the footage of Todd Kollin’s AC Electric GPR (I’ve bugged him about this model a lot via e-mail).

I’m still waiting for some newer battery technology (Li-Ion or Li-Polymer) and some regen, but I can dream, can’t I?

[via Treehugger]

Extra Tidbit: Mike Reish’s (of electricmotorcycles.net) electric Honda CBR 600 F3.

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