Sysmon Startup Item for Darwin/Mac OS X ¬


I’ve created a basic Darwin/Mac OS X Startup Item for the Sysmon (version 0.92.2, as of this writing) server monitoring and failure notification daemon.


  1. Download, build, and install Sysmon
  2. Download and uncompress the Startup Item
  3. Read my included README file
  4. Run ‘’
  5. Drop your .config files for sysmond in /etc/sysmond/
  6. Run ‘sudo /sbin/SystemStarter start “Network Monitoring”’

The last command launches sysmond via the Startup Item and if you reboot it’ll come back up automatically as well. Read the README file for the specifics.

This Startup Item and its install script are released under the BSD license (see the included LICENSE file) and can be downloaded here:


It looks like I’ll be working with Sysmon some more, so expect a bit more on this in the near future.

Update: The latest release can always be found on the Development page.

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