mta_digg_it "Digg This" Plug-in for Textpattern ¬


I happened across the fact that Digg has implemented new ‘smart’ digg buttons on the 6th. The biggest new feature here is that you no longer have to first ‘submit’ an article to get its “digg url” to use with the “Digg This” buttons and can now just reference the article’s permalink instead.

With that, it means you no longer have to manually submit articles to Digg, copy the digg URL into a custom field in Textpattern, and have the “Digg This” button pull the URL from said custom field (or, worst case, paste the JavaScript into each and every article manually).

With this in mind, I decided it was finally feasible to write a plug-in to do this (I almost did it for the digg-url-in-a-custom-field solution). So, here’s version 0.1 of mta_digg_it: mta_digg_it-0.1.txt (full description here).

Please send in your comments, suggestions, and bug reports.

Update: Sorry about the broken link, it should be fixed now.

Update #2: Version 0.2 is now available.

  1. The download link doesn’t seem to work – it goes to the archive page instead. Could you provide a direct link to the plugin? Thank you!

  2. Sorry, it appears that my registrar is adding an extra slash into the URL which Textpattern doesn’t like when it rewrites the URL to that of my dynamic hostname. I’ve changed it to a relative link, so it should work now.

    If it still doesn’t work for you, try the following direct link:

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