mta_digg_it Textpattern Plug-in

A Textpattern plug-in which adds an <notextile><txp:mta_digg_it /></notextile> tag which will embed a smart, JavaScript “Digg This” button (with submit capability) in your article. The first time someone clicks on the “Digg This” button, they’ll be brought to’s link submission page with most of the information about the link already filled out (you can provide more or less information using various attributes). Any subsequent clicks will be brought to to “digg” the article.

Change Log:
v0.3 – Addition of media & skin attributes (deprecated the compact attribute), optional except insert for bodytext attribute, updated list of acceptable topics, and updated documentation.
v0.2 – Correctly escapes apostrophes, quotes, etc. found in title and/or bodytext attributes. Also now resets all variables to better support multiple “Digg This” buttons per page when certain attributes are used.
v0.1 – Initial release.

Textpattern 4.0.3 or better.

Current Release:
mta_digg_it-0.3.txt – 2008-05-18

Previous Release(s):
mta_digg_it-0.2.txt – 2007-04-16
mta_digg_it-0.1.txt – 2007-02-20

  Textile help